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Mental Disorders, Addiction, and Art Therapy

Mental health disorders and addiction have a very complex relationship. Someone suffering from an addiction of any kind can create an unstable and difficult emotional state, while someone suffering from anxiety, depression, or any other mental health disorder may look to drugs or alcohol in order to help them ease their pains.

In recovery, it is important to address both the mental health and addiction aspects simultaneously in order to pursue a holistic recovery. However, a key part of recovery is voice. Expressing the complex emotional state of someone who suffers from anxiety, depression, or an addiction of any kind is a difficult task for anyone to undertake as words that can accurately describe someone’s pain are often elusive or ill-fitting. In these cases, it may be beneficial to pursue a different method of expression.

Art therapy for anxiety and depression, especially when simultaneously attempting to address addiction artwork, may provide someone with a unique way to convey complex emotional states and feelings.

What Is Art Therapy?

personal expression in therapy

The core element of creation that art therapy employs is something that carries over into all other aspects of someone’s recovery. It is practicing the act of physically creating something that can translate to someone being more open to the creation of different emotional and mental coping strategies.

As a result of this fluid creation approach to therapy, there are always new art therapy ideas for depression, anxiety, or addiction that each person can explore.

An Option for Those Robbed of Voice

depression art and therapy

Art therapy will have varying degrees of success in each person, but it is something that is available to everyone. Someone doesn’t need to be a refined, practiced painter in order to get a lot out of an art therapy session. Depression artwork can take any form the artist sees fit.

Even a chaotic mess of lines can be highly impactful and representative of the entropy that is constantly in one’s mind, keeping them off balance on an emotional level. Anxiety art, depression art, and addiction art are all means of emotional expression.

These emotions can be dangerous to bottle up and difficult to talk about. Using art therapy can be an outlet for these difficult expressions, all while maintaining a personal and wholly accurate representation of someone’s mind in mental health and addiction recovery.

The Power of Creating an Outside Representation

expressing mental health issues

Mental health disorders and addiction can often feel all-encompassing, especially when someone is suffering from a dual-diagnosis of the two. Art therapy for depression, anxiety, and addiction can provide a physical way for someone to begin to dissociate themselves with their afflictions.

While someone may feel like they are at the mercy of their anxiety, depression, or addiction, having a way for them to create a physical representation can help them begin to see the afflictions as an external source, rather than the sole, core part of their identity. Art therapy, in this case, becomes an exploration not just of someone’s mental and emotional state, but also of their own identities outside of their mental health issues or addiction.

Part of a Greater Whole

Art therapy can be an essential part of recovery for some. Creating art for depression or anxiety relief can be an asset, and art therapy as a whole can become a unique and powerful language that may be the basis that opens up further, intimate dialogue about someone and their mental health or addiction. However, it is also a kind of therapy that works best when paired with other key parts of recovery.

Art therapy is a way for someone to explore their voice, and use this exploration to continue their progress in either individual or group therapy sessions, with their art as an aid not just for others to better understand their emotional state, but also so the artist themselves can see their own progress and state each day. It is a therapy that can greatly inform and impact all of the other therapeutic aspects of someone’s recovery, and provide a holistic approach to anxiety, depression, addiction, and those suffering from dual-diagnosis.


Chateau Recovery prides itself on its holistic, personalized approach to both mental health and addiction. Our professional team knows each situation is different and that each person will require a unique and personalized approach to their goals in recovery, depending on their own circumstances. Each program can be adjusted in order to fit your needs and goals, all while building a supportive community that utilizes each individual’s strengths in order to create a comprehensive whole.

The beautiful facility is curated to prioritize safety and comfort for each and every person, even when you are experiencing the most vulnerable of times in recovery. To learn more about the various treatment programs available to you, or for more information about mental health and addiction in general, contact Chateau Recovery today to speak to a professional about all our available options.

To take the first step today, call (435) 222-5225.

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