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Alcohol Abuse in Utah

Alcohol abuse is a widespread issue across the United States, and its prevalence in Utah is no exception. Acknowledging the need for recovery when it comes to alcohol abuse and addiction is necessary to begin creating a healthier lifestyle. Despite Utah’s formerly restrictive alcohol laws, alcohol abuse and addiction are still very serious and common. However, there are treatment and recovery options available, along with a myriad of different recovery paths for each individual’s unique relationship with alcohol. By addressing the severity of alcohol abuse in the states, Utah can begin to heal as well.

Alcohol Statistics for Utah

According to the Utah Department of Health, alcohol is widely used regardless of the laws in place, with adults and underage drinkers alike finding ways to access alcohol if needed. In 2018, 29.7% of adults used alcohol, with 10.6% also reporting that they engaged in binge drinking. Overall, Utah is ranked seventh nationally for alcohol poisoning deaths. All of these statistics indicate that Utah’s use of alcohol is prevalent and addressing the issue is paramount for statewide healing. 

Understanding Different Kinds of Alcohol Abuse

Not all individuals will engage with alcohol in the same way. While words like “abuse” may incur thoughts of people stumbling and slurring their speech at all hours of the day, this is not always the case. Alcohol abuse can affect anyone, regardless of socioeconomic status, education, or upbringing, and not all people will abuse alcohol in the same way. 

Taking frequent drinks throughout the day, even without getting drunk, is still a form of alcohol abuse that can ravage one’s physical and mental health. Taking sips with breakfast, lunch, or while at work can all indicate the abuse of alcohol. 

Others may be able to successfully quell frequent urges to drink every day. However, if they do begin to drink, they can also find it incredibly difficult to stop, leading to binge drinking, alcohol poisoning, and increased risky behavior. All of these scenarios may require professional assistance. 

Lastly, not all people will react to alcohol intake in the same way. One’s reasons for drinking, as well as genetic components, all play a factor in the development of an alcohol abuse disorder. For example, one may drink for relaxation or to cope with stress while also being predisposed to addiction through their genetics. Each situation needs to be addressed uniquely to find the most effective route to recovery. 

The Different Kinds of Recovery

Not everyone’s recovery journey will look the same. Some people may want to address their drinking while maintaining their professional career and a full-time job. Others may wish to put those parts of their life on pause in order to wholly tackle addiction or other substance abuse disorders. Finding the right recovery path for each individual is paramount for helping Utah heal through multiple means of treatment and recovery

Detox Treatment

Detox is the first phase of treatment and typically lasts about two weeks, during which an individual is separated from any addictive substances and stops their use entirely. This phase of treatment involves coping with physical and emotional withdrawal symptoms while under the supervision of trained professionals. These individuals aid in education and comfort while beginning to establish coping strategies for urges or cravings. This phase is essential to remove alcohol from one’s system before moving on to other treatment and recovery programs. 

Residential Care

This form of treatment can follow one’s successful detox. Residential care involves an individual living on-site in a recovery facility in a safe and supportive environment. One’s time may be structured with therapeutic practices to directly address one’s alcohol abuse or addiction alongside peers and trained professionals. The individual will continue to establish coping strategies, engage in personalized therapy programs, 12-Step meetings, and begin building a supportive network in their recovery. 

Sober Living Facilities

Sober living facilities are curated environments that retain the safe, comfortable, and communal environment echoed from residential care. However, an individual in sober living may leave the facility grounds, seek employment, and begin to reintroduce themselves to the “real world” in their newfound sobriety. One’s living space is still filled with supportive peers. There may be group meetings, curfews, the continuation of 12-Step program meetings, and other therapies included with one’s time in a sober living facility. These all help to scaffold one’s personal life and balance their sober ambitions. 

Outpatient Care

Intensive outpatient programs are balanced to help an individual transition back to living on their own and balance their professional careers and personal goals. These programs will meet as group sessions a couple of times a week to help individuals continue to build on their coping strategies in pursuit of sustained sobriety. 12-Step programs, like-minded group therapies, individual therapy, and personalized experiential therapies are all forms of outpatient care. They greatly assist individuals as they continue to balance their needs in recovery with the advancement of their new relationships, mentalities, and sober lives. 

Utah isn’t immune from the effects of alcohol abuse and addiction. Taking the first step towards a recovery program is necessary to begin getting the education and therapeutic assistance to help you cope with alcohol use, abuse, or addiction in your life.

At Chateau Recovery, we understand the need for Utah to heal as a community and are prepared to help you better understand your situation through education, advocacy, and creating a unique and personalized program based around your needs and goals in recovery.

We offer an array of programs to help you find the one that best fits your unique life while instilling pertinent coping strategies along the way. We offer personalized treatment ranging from residential to outpatient and alumni programs. These also include family-focused and specialized first responder programs. We are ready to help you today. Utah is our community too, and we are dedicated to helping you heal.

Call us today at (435) 222-5225.

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