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6 Ways to Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a practice that keeps you focused on the here and now. There are many ways you can incorporate mindfulness into your daily life, instead of worrying about the past or the future. Practicing mindfulness is easier than you might think, and can be included in your daily schedule. There are multiple ways to practice mindfulness.

It is important to find out what way works best for you.

Are you a physically active person, or do you enjoy relaxation? Finding out what the best fit is for your lifestyle can be incredibly beneficial for your recovery.

What Is Mindfulness?

If you struggle with staying present, mindfulness might be a great practice for you. Mindfulness is a practice that focuses on staying in the moment instead of worrying about the future or events from the past. It also helps you become more attune to your emotions, catching them before they get out of hand.

Mindfulness can also reduce stress by focusing on your breath, and catching where in your body you might be carrying stress. This practice also allows you to enjoy life. Some people are constantly on the go, never taking a break to slow down and take in the world. It also allows you to be fully attuned to everything around you and experience the moment. There are many easy ways to practice mindfulness that you can try out today.

#1: Set Your Intentions for the Day

Having a plan for your day can be a great way to alleviate stress. Setting your intentions for the day can mean more than one thing. It can mean setting goals for the day, such as what work you plan to get done, or things you plan to get off of your to-do list.

It can also mean setting an intention such as “I will be brave today,” or “Today will be productive.” Setting an intention for your day in the morning can help you stay focused and motivated. It is a great way to start your day because having a goal in mind can leave you feeling confident.

#2: Practice Physical Mindfulness Exercises

If you enjoy moving your body, physical exercises that focus on body position and breathwork can be a great way to keep you engaged in mindfulness. Yoga and Tai Chi are great ways to practice mindfulness while moving your body.

They allow you to get out of your head and focus on breathwork and movement. These exercises can be a great way to start your morning or a relaxing way to wind down at the end of a long day.

#3: Take a Break With Meditation

Mindfulness is often thought about in terms of meditation. This is the most common way to practice mindfulness because meditations are easy practices to pick up. To practice meditation, you only need to take five minutes of your day. Some exercises are guided, while others can be done solo to relaxing music.

Meditation can help you be aware of your thoughts as they are passing, as well as feeling your body in the moment. It gives you a chance to slow down and breathe before continuing on with the day.

#4: Eat Mindfully

It can be common to not pay attention to the food you are eating and how fast you are eating it. Mindful eating asks you to focus on each bite and savor it. Take a moment to really enjoy your food. Notice the taste, the texture, all of the ingredients. Think about where the food came from, how it was made, all of the work that was put into it.

If you are eating salad greens, think about where the plant came from, how it grew, who picked it, who delivered it, and the effort you made to turn it into a meal. Mindful eating causes you to slow down your consumption, which helps your metabolism and prevents indigestion. Next time you eat a meal, turn off the T.V. or your phone and focus on your meal instead.

#5: Check-In With Your Body

Your emotions are held in your body. When you are stressed, angry, or upset, your body feels tense. When you are sad, your body feels fatigued. When you are happy, your body feels energized. Take a moment out of your day to check how your body is feeling and what that is telling you. If your body feels tense, ask yourself why that might be and how you can feel better.

After some practice, you should be able to feel your emotions in your body. This can be especially useful in situations where you might otherwise emotionally explode. For example, with some practice, you will be able to tell when you are starting to feel angry before it becomes too intense, or you might be able to tell when you are sad and in need of care.

#6: Count the Five Senses

Sometimes emotions can become overwhelming. You might find yourself in a situation where you need to ground yourself.

A great exercise to practice is the five senses exercise. This exercise can help you get out of your head, which is especially important if you are feeling anxious or experiencing PTSD symptoms.

  • First, start by naming five things you see.

  • Then name four things you can touch.

  • Next, name three things you can hear.

  • After that, name two things you can smell.

  • Finally, name one thing you can taste.

This exercise can help you focus on the present moment instead of the thing that is triggering your anxiety or your PTSD.


Mindfulness is a great practice to incorporate into your life. Mindfulness can relieve stress and lower the severity of anxiety and PTSD symptoms. Mindfulness allows you to be aware of the world around you. It is important to take the time to slow down and enjoy things. This is especially true if you lead a busy life. Luckily, mindfulness can be practiced for even as little as five minutes and still have an enormous positive impact on your mental health.

There is a reason why mindfulness has been practiced for centuries in every part of the world. Take the time out of your life to look inward, and enjoy the world as it is in the moment, instead of worrying about the future or the past.

Practicing mindfulness can help with addiction and trauma which is why so many treatment centers include it in their programming. To learn more, call Chateau today at (435) 222-5225.

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