Jan 27, 20224 min

Alcohol Abuse Among Lawyers

Updated: Mar 11

Statistics and Common Risk Factors

Lawyers are known for their long hours, high-stress jobs, and intense competition. It's no wonder that many of them turn to alcohol as a way to cope. Statistics show that drinking is more common among lawyers than in the general population.

About 20% of lawyers demonstrate signs of hazardous drinking, which can include alcohol abuse and dependence.

Depression, anxiety, and high stress are common among lawyers, which may contribute to alcohol abuse in this profession. If you or someone you know is struggling with alcoholism, it is important to seek help.

There are many resources available for those who need them. Lawyers face a unique challenge in seeking treatment, there are options out there that are both culturally competent, and understanding of what a Lawyers' specific needs may be.

Alcohol Abuse Stats in Lawyers

A 2010 study published in the journal "Law and Human Behavior" surveyed 12,000 American lawyers - while it's difficult to get a comprehensive estimate of how many lawyers struggle with alcohol abuse, the stats below suggest a significant problem.

  • 20% engaged in drinking at a hazardous level

  • 84% of attorneys had consumed alcohol in the prior year (compared to 69% of adults in the general population)

  • In a separate study, 36% of Minnesota judges and attorneys were found to be hazardous drinkers when considering only frequency and quantity of alcohol consumption.

  • A study of lawyers in the United Kingdom found that 17% met the criteria for an alcohol use disorder (significantly higher than the general population)

  • In a survey of Canadian lawyers, 41% reported drinking at levels that put them at risk for developing health problems

But Why is Alcohol Use a Problem?

So it's clear that lawyers as a group drink more than the average person, but what might be some of the reasons for this? Let's take a look at some common risk factors for alcohol abuse among lawyers:

  • Stressful job environment: It's no secret that the legal profession can be a high-stress job. With long hours, demanding clients, and the potential for large amounts of money to be at stake, it's not surprising that many lawyers turn to alcohol as a way to cope with the stress.

  • Work/life balance: Another common cause of stress among lawyers is the difficulty of balancing work and personal life. This can lead to feelings of isolation and frustration, which in turn may increase the temptation to drink alcohol.

  • Lack of social support: Lawyers often have a difficult time finding friends outside of their profession, which can leave them feeling isolated and lonely. This can also make it more tempting to drink in excess since alcohol can be used as a way to self-medicate these feelings.

  • Perfectionism: Many lawyers are perfectionists, which can lead to a lot of pressure and anxiety. This can be especially true for young lawyers who are trying to make a name for themselves.

  • Substance abuse: Unfortunately, substance abuse is also common among lawyers. This is likely due to the fact that many lawyers are self-employed. This can lead to a feeling of isolation and a lack of support, which can, in turn, increase the risk for alcohol abuse.

What are the Signs and Symptoms?

The signs and symptoms of alcohol abuse vary from person to person. However, there are some general red flags that may indicate a problem. If you notice that your loved one is drinking more than usual, hiding their alcohol intake, or experiencing negative consequences as a result of their drinking (e.g., problems at work or with relationships), it may be time to have a conversation about their drinking habits.

It can be difficult to confront a loved one about their alcohol abuse, but it’s important to remember that they may not be aware of the extent of their problem. If you’re worried about how they will react, it may be helpful to consult with a professional therapist or counselor who can provide guidance on how to have the conversation.

Some of the most common risk factors for alcohol abuse among lawyers include:

  • stress from work or family responsibilities

  • peer pressure to drink alcohol in social settings

  • a history of mental health disorders, such as anxiety or depression

  • lack of coping skills to deal with stress or negative emotions

  • family history of alcohol abuse

  • use of other substances, such as marijuana or cocaine

If you are concerned about your own or someone else’s alcohol abuse, it is important to seek professional help. There are many treatment options available, and with the right support, it is possible to overcome an addiction to alcohol.

Specialized Options available for Lawyers

It is important to be in the right environment with other professionals when seeking treatment for alcohol abuse. There are specialized options available specifically for business professionals. There are twelve-step programs and other support groups that cater to lawyers.

There are also different types of rehab facilities available that can be more beneficial for those in the legal profession. Some treatment centers offer luxurious accommodations and have a focus on holistic healing. There are also centers that specialize in treating addiction in attorneys and provide a very strict program with little distractions from the outside world.

The most important thing is to find a treatment program that will fit your individual needs and help you on your path to recovery. If you or someone you know is struggling with alcohol abuse, please reach out for help. There are many resources available and no one has to suffer alone.

At Chateau Recovery we understand the problem that business professionals have when seeking treatment. It is vital for recovery to feel safe and understood at a treatment center. That is why we cater to professionals specifically at our facility, with the understanding that we need to provide a specialized environment for those that are facing unique situations.

Our Masters' levels clinicians will help guide you through any substance use or mental health problems you may be having. Our admissions team is on standby ready for your call at any time. To learn more, call (435) 222-5225 today.