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Rana Joiner

Lead Tech

Rana's journey epitomizes resilience and personal triumph over adversity. Growing up in South Florida amidst familial struggles with substance abuse and mental health challenges, Rana sought a new path forward. Her quest for healing led her to Utah for substance abuse treatment, where three years of dedication transformed into a sanctuary for profound personal growth and recovery.

With over four years of steadfast sobriety, Rana's heart lies in guiding others through their healing journeys, echoing the transformative support she received during her own recovery.

Within Chateau, Rana serves as the creative force behind Humanize Gear—each piece crafted as a testament to her commitment to inspire and uplift. Beyond her artistic pursuits, Rana discovers solace in exploration, embracing the marvels of travel and diverse cultures, enriching her perspective and experiences.

Driven by a profound desire to pay forward the kindness that reshaped her life, Rana embodies resilience, compassion, and the enduring strength found within a supportive community. Her unwavering dedication to empowering others echoes her belief in the transformative power of healing and the indomitable human spirit.

Rana Joiner
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